Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The end of an era

Our current fridge has hosted many photos over its 10-year life as focal point in our kitchen. We bought this one when we first moved to Maryland. I don't think we'll be 'cluttering up' the face of our new fridge when it arrives and is installed, so this is kind of the end of a decorated-fridge era - what you do when your kids are young. Now there is less artwork coming home, unless we count the elaborate doodles in the margins of Bryan's notebooks.

Let me take you on a quick tour of our current fridge. As you can see, many photos have captions, thanks to a birthday gift Carolyn received last year. Clockwise from the top left: B&C posing for an early Christmas card, B&C at the waterfall park in Rocks Spring, MD, Don & I in Maryland house, glare, Eric (so cute), brother Michael (also cute), Lucky (handsome), B in High School hockey game, Dad's 80th birthday with B&C, B&C in another Christmas photo (1st Christmas in NJ), the family at TGIFriday's in Leicester Square celebrating C's 6th birthday, B&C back in Richmond Hill, Carolyn & I just before Barb & Doug's wedding - C was the flower girl, B&C at the Old Mill in Toronto. There is also a doodle of Bryan's and a cartoon about not listening while sports are on TV (NO idea who that would be referring to in our household).

I will miss this fridge with its decor. The end of the cluttered fridge era.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sad! I'm so glad you recorded the refrigerator history for posterity. Just think what a refrigerator would say if it could talk...it's there in the kitchen, the focal point of every house, witnessing lots of family events and conversations, holding the sustenance for a household through happy times and sad ones, busy ones and reflective one, not to mention the things that are recorded on it vis-a-vis the photos and drawings and memo notes you mention...gosh what a refrigerator would say if it could only talk!