Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with another family here yesterday. We all decided we have lots to be thankful for - family, friends, health, jobs, opportunity! For us, we are also thankful that Toby, our cat, showed up at our door on Thanksgiving morning after being awol for 3 days. We were worried we had lost him, but there he was, healthy and normal, as if he'd never left. If only he could talk.

After a busy Thanksgiving evening we found him camped out in the powder room sink. Comfortable?

Carolyn started work at 5:30 am today in preparation for Staples' early opening at 6 am. There was already a line-up started outside the store when I dropped her off. I went back to bed, leaving the black Friday shopping deals for others.

Friday, November 21, 2008

2008 KHS Fashion Show

I haven't blogged for awhile because I've been working on the Program for our annual high school fundraiser - a Fashion Show. The students and teachers model clothing from local stores while parents and students watch. We had a gym-full of baskets filled with donations from stores, restaurants and families, that we all buy tickets for a chance of winning one or more of these baskets. There is also a 50-50 which last night was just under $1400! And a raffle, and a separate table of special baskets, etc. LOTS of opportunity for parents to spend money.

Our theme this year was "Under the Sea". I run a contest with the students for cover art - always hard to choose just one. We also get lots of advertising and feature the businesses that donated baskets. Here's this year's Program.

Here's the overall look of the gym with tables last night. My talented friend, Jennie, put together the table centerpieces and designed and painted the arch! The models came through that arch to walk along the runway which is not visible in this photo.

It was another successful night - both as a fun night out and as a fundraiser!
(Link to last year's, where I notice I said a lot of the same things! Pics are nice.)