Monday, April 14, 2014

Christmas 2013 - In Ontario

Christmas morning we drove to Mississauga in time to enjoy a Christmas dinner with Mom at the Marriott again. It was very nice, although we missed the Walnut Creek family!

The next day - Boxing Day - was Toronto Marlie day at the ACC! We had a bunch of seats all booked together and enjoyed a good game with free ball caps, followed by a post-game drink at the Real Sports Bar for the >19 years olds, and a shopping spree at the Real Sports clothing store for the <19 and="" nbsp="" p="" parents="" their="">

The following day, we were back at our fav morning coffee spot, Tim's, with our fav coffee drinker, who is now a whiz on her tablet, which was a gift from Christmas 2012.

And then we were off to Ingersoll for some Gill family Christmas cheer at Kathy's home!

Don & I, sisters Barb & Kathy with chocolate earrings, Doug & Barb
Delicious turkey dinner a la chef Kathy!
Having fun with "kids" and post-dinner antics!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

24 and there's so much more ...

Bryan turned 24 years old this past week! Since everyone was in a different town last weekend, we celebrated this weekend. Carolyn and Tommy joined us from PSU. And we had a short overnight visitor, Andrew (a friend of Bryan's from school who is recently engaged).

It was a beautiful spring Saturday - perfect for a late afternoon fire. This was followed by a delicious tuna dinner, thanks to chef Don, and a creative birthday cake, thanks to baker & icer, Carolyn.

Happy 24th Birthday Bry! 24 candles throw off a lot of light!
 On Sunday, today, Bryan started his first batch of homemade beer. Here's hoping its a success!