Thursday, May 17, 2007

Day 9 - Let there be Light

Slowly but surely we are making progress. Today the window was added, lots of lighting boxes were installed in the ceiling, and the entrance to the dining room was widened.

See that scaffolding? The framers, as they are called in case you have not dealt with this breed before (I hadn't), stand on this make-shift scaffolding while bees buzz at them and winds come up out of nowhere. Are they crazy!? Probably.

And that piece of drainpipe that is hanging there? Its purpose was only to disguise the freon line from the attic to the air conditioning unit below. It was only pretending to be a drainpipe. Real sneaky. Fooled me ... until this reno. That line now has to be re-routed which will happen down an internal wall. This may come as a shock to my Canadian friends, as most in southern Ontario have had air conditioning forever (that being a shock to my American friends), but many NJ homes do not have a/c, or at least did not originally have a/c (even relatively recently built homes)! And our house is relatively new, having been built in 1983. I was surprised! Fortunately our home has it, added after original construction, and therefore disguised in drainpipes (but not for long).

On to other news: Our son is going to the High School Prom tomo night. The "news" is that his date is Canadian. Yes, somehow he found the only Canadian girl in our town in his grade. She is very nice. Her mom (pronounced mum, not mawm) is from Ottawa and father from North Bay. I'm sure they will have a great time together, eh.

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