Monday, March 30, 2009

Greed - good or bad?

I love this for many reasons. It is a short discussion on capitalists. And it doesn't make any comment on social safety nets. There is a place for safety nets, but there has to be a place for capitalism for the benefit of us all.

This video is an interview clip with Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 - November 16, 2006): American economics,statistician and recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

This leads to my other belief "There's no such thing as an altruist," which sounds offensive on the surface, but we're all out to gain something even if its just to feel good about ourselves, and that's okay.

(Thanks Paul for sending the clip.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

When to offer constructive criticism

I saw these in the Sunday Star Ledger, 2 pieces of sage advice -

When to offer constructive criticism: "If it can't be fixed in five minutes, with the materials at hand, then don't mention it. So, an unzipped zipper, donut crumbs on your shirt, parsley in your teeth - all fair game to bring to someone's attention. Height, weight, stain on clothing, size of nose - off limits."

How to tell if one is gossiping: "If I'm not part of the problem and/or I'm not part of the solution, then there is no need for me to discuss it with anyone."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back from Florida

We had a nice, relaxing week on the beach. Weather was perfect. Lots of walks. Lots of catching up with H&B over delicious dinners, cocktail hours on the beach and lazing in the sand.

Here's H&B and I on a pier overlooking the Intercoastal:

This is Thursday morning after Carolyn & Don joined Bryan & I on Wednesday night. Going to the Sailfish Marina for breakfast is a family tradition.

This is our little boat ... NOT! This boat is worth more than our house!
We spent most of our time at the beach but I didn't take as many photos there. H&B are doing great and it was a really good visit.
We arrived back in NJ yesterday afternoon, just in time to catch the state semi-final high school hockey game. Kinnelon won, so now they are off to the state finals at The Rock, home of the NJ Devils. Two years in a row! Very exciting! Then Carolyn went to the Britney Spears Circus concert. Said it was good.

Today was a day of laundry and saying good-bye to Bryan again as he went back to school. He'll be back next weekend for the state championship game. Last year's seniors have all made it a priority to be back to cheer the team on for another year! (And to heckle the opposing team.)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Off to Florida

I'm off to Florida tomorrow morning with Bryan who is on his spring break. Carolyn and Don are joining us later in the week since Carolyn has school. Her break isn't until April. I'm looking forward to seeing H&B again, and enjoying the beach.

Looks like it has warmed up down there after a few weeks of cold weather. Its in the 60's here in NJ today after a week that started out with temps in the 20's (sry, I'm speaking in the archaic "degrees F", but when in Rome ...).

The news is so bad these days. I feel like this trip will be an escape from reality, where I'll just think about the positives, like being alive and healthy. I just heard that our town lost another wonderful parent to cancer today, after a 5-year battle. We are a small town so we get to know each other or know of each other, without it being claustrophobic! I am sorry for the loss of this mom who I met once at a fundraiser.

We're off to the quarter final state game for the high school hockey team tonight. Bryan and all the other past seniors who are off this week will be going too. It'll be great support for the players. They are doing really well this year and have a good shot at going all the way again! Such an exciting game that hockey!

Back to packing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wish List success

It works! This first-time experiment worked well with two out of three wishes coming true.

We had a wonderful day in NYC on Sunday, saw Ali at the Kraine Theater where we enjoyed her mom's play immensely and had delicious appetizers in Little Italy. We didn't encounter any bad weather until Monday morning when we woke up to about 10 inches of snow! That after having lost all our previous snow. Back to a winter wonderland. Wish #1 - check.

On Monday, after shovelling the driveway, our cleaning people came! Yah! We were overdue. Wish #2 - check.

Still looking for the perfect part time marketing job but I have faith. In the meantime I'm enjoying my freedom! Wish #3 - pending.

More Wish Lists to come. The Wish List Mom is onto something.