Thursday, July 19, 2012

A final day in Zurich

Bryan's journey home is like his journey to Europe - interrupted by circumstances beyond his control.

Don woke up during the night and put Bryan's flight into his flight tracker app (honestly Don has become a smart phone app addict) and expected to see Bryan's flight path making its way to the west. Instead he saw that Bryan's flight was cancelled. He was to go from Paris to Zurich, which he did, then Zurich to Newark. In Zurich weather was bad so all flights cancelled.

He was in some massive line to re-book when Don called him. It was easier for Don to re-book him by phone, but its not until tomorrow and he lands at JFK, rather than our convenient Newark airport. Don told Bryan he could book a hotel on us - live it up his last night - but he has found a hostel near the train station. He didn't make it to Zurich on his travels so it could be viewed as a bonus to spend a day getting to know another city.
Still, no birthday arrival for me.

Its okay, I'm just happy to hear he's okay. That is always a gift.

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