Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mentally preparing for Friday

On Friday we take Bryan to Penn State to move him into his dorm. I'm so excited for him - starting a whole new chapter of his life, expanding his world, meeting new people, experiencing more independence and adjusting to the ups and downs of life without the full safety net of parents nearby.

I'm not at all worried about how he will adjust. I'm worried how I'll be! I guess its like the first time you put them on the school bus. I am sentimentally sad for the chapter that's ending.

I wouldn't have it any other way than him heading off to college. We're proud of him. We enjoy having him around, laughing, getting the groceries out of my trunk, troubleshooting our computers ... all the day-to-day stuff.

My friends tell me that before you know it they're home again and you're both testing each other's limits!!! Until that day, I know he'll be fine. But will we?!?

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