By his own admission, here is our family's Uncle Buck! This is Doug with his eyelids flipped inside out. He's the guy who bought my kids a whoppee cushion when they were younger.
Never a dull (or mature!) moment with Uncle Doug around!!!
(You're welcome for the compliment, Doug!)
P.S. I couldn't log into my blog for weeks. Whats up with that blogspot people????
I came across this list called An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth. It is definitely food for thought whether you agree with it all or not. I’m sure it wasn’t the author’s intent that you agree with all 43 points. It is sufficient enough to just stir up your pensive juices!
Here are a few of my favs, probably already familiar to you -
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Eerily this is true. Lessons are all around us but we don’t “see” them until we’re ready. And when we’re ready to listen, see, learn, change, grow – the teacher is there. Voila.
Definition of insanity: Doing things the same way and expecting different results. I have to remind myself of this one because it is so easy to do the same things the same way day after day without even considering alternative routes, ideas, methods, etc. Every time we’ve moved or traveled to different countries (even state-to-state can be like country-to-country!), I am always amazed that what I first think is silly becomes such a great idea. I do the ole paradigm shift and think, wow that’s brilliant! One of my fav books is One Minute for Myself* where, among many ideas, the author talks about taking a new route home from work – turn one block sooner or one block later, look around, and almost always a new idea will come into your head about something.
You reap what you sow. So true. Put nothing into it – get nothing out. Whether planning a party, a day off or your life, its true. Its the theme of "Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin. Spend little time with your children and they'll have little time for you. (The teenage years don't count!) The people who complain the most are the same people who never volunteer, never do anything extra, never put themselves out. No wonder life becomes such a bummer. On the other hand, when you sow many seeds of worthwhile activity, the friendships and tangible and intangible rewards are many. What are your fav sayings to live by? Leave me a comment.
* I see that this book is out of print! Lots is written about it if you wish to google it and used copies available. Its by Spencer Johnson.
Don's father, Jim, passed away on June 27. He was almost 88 years old. We're sad to lose a good and kind father/father-in-law/grandpa but happy for Jim that it was a peaceful ending after a long, full life.
Jim, Bryan & Don - 3 generations of Gill men (Nov 1993)