Monday, July 13, 2009

Tims comes to the big apple

Tim Hortons has arrived in New York City!

We look forward to checking it out to see if its the Tims we know and love from home or a modified version. One thing that is different between Tims in Ontario and Tims in upstate New York is the size of the cups. In Ontario a 'small' looks like a thimble by U.S. standards. Either way we will definitely patronize the store whenever we get a chance.

Now we just need Tims to come to New Jersey. And Swiss Chalet.

Timbit anyone?

1 comment:

Moira said...

There is a Tim Hortons in Syracuse that just doesn't cut it. Coffee is just not the same. I always have to get my fix from my monthly visits to the family. Love to have a Swiss Chalet close by. Closest is Buffalo and then you might as well just go to T.O. Ahhh the things I miss from home.