Palm Beach Shores has an annual St Patrick's Day parade consisting of town residents, a few local businesses, lots of mummers with amazing costumes, TWO pipe bands, and lots of enthusiasm! Pretty impressive for a very small town.
My cousin and her husband volunteer each year to run the 50/50 sales table. The funds help to defray the cost of the parade and supports other local events. They also sell green bling and other festive items. I hung out with them this year.
After the parade, our table was moved to a nearby pool bar where the town enjoyed music, food and drink, and could win prizes from the 50/50 tickets. The big money draw was at 5pm when the winner received over $1000 - pretty good! But it wasn't me - drat.
The weather was perfect and I met a lot of nice people. Don was in NJ this weekend, having just arrived home from a week in Las Vegas for meetings and a trade show, or so he says ... What happens in Vegas ...
Link to local photographer's pictures of the parade.