Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Birthday weekend

This past weekend we celebrated another birthday at our home - mine. I had a great time!

First, the 4 of us went into the city for dinner and a show. We were intrigued by the pedestrian area where Broadway has been closed off to traffic at Times Square. Hundreds of lawn chairs have been provided for tourists to sit and watch the lights! We saw "Hair" which was enjoyed by us all.

Second, I received lots of funny and touching cards, phone calls and emails. And flowers from my family! Thank you all!
Third, my parents came down for the weekend and took us out for a delicious dinner at the Chart House in Weehawkin (on the Hudson R). You can't tell in these photos, but our table had a magnificent view of Manhattan so as we enjoyed our dinner we saw the skyscrapers go from daylight, to gray with gold reflections from the setting sun, to black with all their lights. Very pretty. Here's Don, Carolyn and my Mom, followed by Me, Bryan and my Dad.

Fourth, we joined the July birthday babies party on the beach with our other young friends and had a great time! Check out the photos taken here.

And lastly, the celebrations continue this week with friends. Getting older is fun when we do it together.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tims comes to the big apple

Tim Hortons has arrived in New York City!

We look forward to checking it out to see if its the Tims we know and love from home or a modified version. One thing that is different between Tims in Ontario and Tims in upstate New York is the size of the cups. In Ontario a 'small' looks like a thimble by U.S. standards. Either way we will definitely patronize the store whenever we get a chance.

Now we just need Tims to come to New Jersey. And Swiss Chalet.

Timbit anyone?

Birthday girl & brother

Carolyn turned 17 last week!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Paris & Canada Day

Don and I had a wonderful spur of the moment 5 days in Paris about a week ago. Don was overseas for work and had to spend a weekend away. We found enough British Airways points for me to fly over so I did. The trip was perfect.

I missed my opportunity to do a Happy Canada Day post yesterday. I was going to try to find an old photo from a past celebration but that would have required flipping through old photo albums and I didn't have the time. So instead you are getting photos of Paris on the day after Canada Day.

I've been feeling back-blogged lately. If I let it go too long without posting it gets harder to get back into it.

Happy Canada Day to our friends and family at home!