Friday, February 27, 2009

Believing is seeing.

I stumbled upon a blog called Wish List Mom. The author of this blog creates a wish list every Wednesday consisting of simple things she hopes happens. Not "world peace wishes" although I'm sure she's for that, but little things. She said in today's blog that most of her wishes come true. I agree with her. Believing is seeing. It sounds corny but I believe its true!

Anyways, I thought I might try it. Here's my Wish List Friday:

I wish that ....
  1. the sleet & snow predicted for Sunday will wait until the evening because we'll be in the city (NYC) meeting up with my Canadian friend, Ali, who's mom was chosen to participate in the Frigid Fest! We're looking forward to her play, Camouflague, on Sunday afternoon. It will be much more fun if bad weather isn't beating down on us.
  2. my cleaning people come on Monday!
  3. the perfect job (PT Marketing) turns up soon!
That's enough for today. May all our wishes come true.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Transitions update

Still doing my Transition Lifestyle classes - very informative and fun. We've got a great little group. Of course its easier to do this kind of thing when you have company, AND when everyone is reporting success!

We got weighed and measured at the 4th week class, and compared these figures with our 1st class. For myself I was about 2 inches less in my waist and in my hips. And had a nice reduction in body fat % which is also being tracked. Just into week 6 now and the weight and inches are still coming off. This is done with a combination of eating much differently (for me), stepped up exercising (although I had gotten much better about regular visits to the Y before this class) and supplements. We eat normal food - no pre-prepared boxed meal plans - whether at home or in a restaurant.

My goal in starting this program was to just be more comfortable in my clothes, without going up a size, because I'd already done that, and to reverse the trend of adding a pound or two a year. I am feeling good about this program, and I've met a new group of great people!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Uncommon Reader

A friend recommended this great little book - perfect for those who enjoy reading. Its written by Alan Bennett who wrote 'The History Boys' which was also made into a great movie.

The title is perfect. It is a story about the Queen accidentally discovering the joy of reading and her journey as she expands her thoughts and observations on life.

Here are some of my fav observations from the book:

"Pass the time? Books are not about passing the time. They're about other lives. Other worlds." (pg 29)

"The appeal of reading, she thought, lay in its indifference: there was something undeferring about literature. Books did not care who was reading them or whether one read them or not. All readers were equal, herself included." (pg 30)

"Authors, she soon decided, were probably best met with in the pages of their novels, and as much creatures of the reader's imagination as the characters in their books. Nor did they seem to think one had done them a kindness by reading their writings. Rather they had done one the kindness by writing them." (pg 52)

"You don't put your life into books. You find it there." (pg 101)

I highly recommend this book!