Monday, February 25, 2008

Hockey Season

We're coming closer to the end of hockey season - not just for this year, but forever as we've known it for 12 years! Bryan has been playing since he was 5 or 6 in Richmond Hill. Although we've had 2 big moves within the 12 years, Bryan often had a new hockey home before we found our house. But those who know Don, or are like Don, completely understand this.

Here's Bryan with a few teammates on Hoot Owl Pond:
George, Bryan, Billy & Scott (all 6'1"+)

Our high school varsity team has had an awesome season. They were bumped up into a higher division this year and expected to not do too much. They won the regular season division games with a record of 19-1-2. Last night they played for the cup of the division and unfortunately lost in a game they dominated. They out-shot and out-played their opponent but their goalie had an outstanding game no matter what they boys shot at him. It was a great game to watch. So although we'd have loved to see the boys bring the cup home last night, we're just so proud of their progress and tenacity.

Now we're off to the "states". Kinnelon was ranked 3rd in the state amongst smaller-sized schools, 9th overall, I think. (Feel free to correct me anyone.) Our first state game is March 4th.

Our coaches have been really great and we have a fun group of parents that keep it interesting with fan t-shirts, game programs and team dinners. It's a way of life for us!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

TV for cats

Who needs catnip toys?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Getting used to the outdoors

I don't know how people keep indoor cats. Don't they drive you crazy!? Cats need to be outside to stay sane. Or is it that they need to get out outside so I can stay sane? Either way, our cat is loving the outdoors. We're giving him short doses of outside for now and only in the daylight hours!

Toby is well camoflaged in first pic. Second photo is Toby up a tree!

Guess I should acknowledge that this is Super Bowl Sunday - whoohooo. A big day around here with the NY Giants in the game. We're having a small party to cheer the Giants to victory and to check out Tom Petty. He's sounding good these days. Hope you all enjoy your fav part of the game whether its the game, the commercials, the half-time show, or the friends, good food & drink.